Wednesday, June 10, 2015

These Chains Can Be Broken!

    Oh, how my heart aches as I write this! One of our precious students, Naw Lah Moo, who was just baptized this past school year, is suffering greatly right now. Allow me to explain…
    Last school year, Naw Lah Moo failed grade 9 and was talking about not coming back this year. People talked to her though, and she decided to stay for the whole break and then go into grade 9 again this year. I believe one of the main reasons for her staying for the whole break was due to her baptism and not wanting to face her parents’ reaction.
    As I have found out this morning, there is more than failing her grade that has brought this on though. There is a young man who graduated from grade 10 last year who was here for most of the break. We had some difficulty with him pursuing a 10th grade girl during the school year, which continued during the break. Apparently, unbeknownst to anyone, he was also pursuing Naw Lah Moo and had both of them as his girlfriends at the same time. I am not sure exactly what all has happened with that situation, but it was enough to set off a chain of events that has affected all of us here at Sunshine Orchard.
    For weeks Naw Lah Moo has not slept at all. Yes, weeks! She has been all over campus to various people’s houses early in the morning, trying to apologize for something. Then yesterday morning, she was talking to absolutely everyone that she could, telling them she was sorry, etc. Most were just very confused and had no idea what to do. She was also saying things like she couldn’t stay here anymore, she could live in the house where she was, and other things that no one had told her. Hannah Steck said it seemed like she was in a daze. We were concerned with all this, but we did not fully realize yet the enormity of the situation. This we learned last night during worship.  
    Worship began like normal. We sang, had opening song, and then knelt for prayer. During the prayer, we began to hear crying. It was fairly quiet, and I thought it was one of the little children outside. But the crying became louder and louder. Prayer ended quickly and I saw that it was Naw Lah Moo. Hannah and Mrs. Steck had gone over to her. I couldn’t see well from where I was though. Mr. Steck immediately began praying with Thara Eh K’nyaw translating. The crying turned to shrieking and occasionally screaming a sentence in Karen.
    He prayed until Naw Lah Moo was quiet. Then he stood up and talked to the students for a while. He talked about surrender to God, of God’s power over Satan, appealing to the young people to give God their all.
    Then we prayed in groups of two or three. We prayed for Naw Lah Moo and ourselves as well. When nearly everyone was finished, we heard her voice rise in prayer. Oh, how my heart rejoiced with thanksgiving to God for His miraculous power! When she was finished, one of our male teachers prayed and then we were dismissed.
    After worship, she seemed happy and fine. It was decided that she would stay with Sharon and Hannah in their house that night.
    As for my own heart? It was changed. I saw more clearly than ever before the power of Satan, but also the power of God. I realized with great seriousness how close I had been to the devil and His angels. They had possession of one of my dear students, in the same building as me! Of course, I had known before that Satan and his angels are all around. But never had I seen it so obviously as last night. I now see more clearly how short time is and how earnestly we must work, watch, and pray! We cannot afford to lose a single second, to waste even one minute. I praise God for this blessed opening of my eyes!!
    The next morning, I went up to the Steck’s house for breakfast and learned that Hannah and Naw Lah Moo had not slept at all that night. As a result, Hannah has been sleeping all morning, I believe.
    As for the girl, it was still obvious there was something wrong with our poor girl. She came into chapel late and sat down quietly, but said something loudly in Karen, then walked out, looking like she was lost in a daze.
    She came to class this morning, but was very out of it and hardly responsive at all. Her precious classmates have had a time of it keeping her in class all morning. They have persistently brought her back and tried to talk to her, etc.
    Please keep praying for this precious student! The devil really is working on her, but I know that these chains can be broken! I can only hope that some good can come of all this… That students and staff will be awakened and their hearts changed!    

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely praying for dear Naw Lah Moo! My heart aches to hear what's going on with her. .
    Please, keep me posted on how she's doing.
